Sunny came home
Sunny came home

There are probably other kids in the house, and she came home to confront her parents, and get the other kids to safety. Being out of her mind relates to PTSD and the ability of some abuse victims to leave their bodies during the abuse. She may have even had enough rage to dare her parents to deny it "strike a match, go on and do it". She is trying to destroy the illusion her parents had that everything was fine. For me, it is about Sunny (Sunny is a child's name, after all) coming home (as an adult) to her parent's house to face her father, who sexually abused her, and her mother, who knew all along and didn't stop it. Bill from Somewhere, MdI think the song means what you want it to mean.She said she wrote the song after watching the movie, "Reversal of Fortune." So, the statement that the song was written after the album art is incorrect. Kathy from Seattle, WaI saw Shawn Colvin and Mary Chapin Carpenter in concert 2 days ago and Shawn said this song was about Sunny von Bulow, if she had awakened from her coma.Both songs are about an abused wife setting fire to her house. Staley from Dallas, TxI've always associated Sunny Came Home with Independence Day by Martina McBride.She wants to find or make a gun or other weapon and maim or seriously injury or kill her enemies and people she opinions to be her abusers. It doesn't seem to be about self-effacement in any way or coping legitimately with stress or peer pressure or any abuse. It seems she seeks revenge or brutal retribution instead of suicide or self destruction. Nick A from California She sounds like a person who is violent and antisocial.I'm one of many believers who can't wait for His SECOND coming because ALL wrong will be made right, ALL evil will be destroyed with unquenchable fire and a new heaven & new earth prepared for God's people who's names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. He now stands on the highest pinnacle of heavenly glory, ready to return for his SECOND coming. Jesus was crucified, died, buried, risen, and is coming again, all well documented in Scripture. He taught "Love GOD", "Love your neighbor as yourself", "Do unto others as you want them to do unto you", etc, you know the many others teachings, all of them good solid timeless Truths. He Healed the sick, blind, lame, at no charge. Regarding Abuse at His FIRST coming in year AD Zero (our modern calendar), he was the gentile Lamb of God, suffering servant, sacrificing his sinless life to pay for the sin of ALL people.

sunny came home

All of the above key words are applicable to Jesus's SECOND coming. However, the song has Always, Always, reminded me of The SONny OF GOD (Messiah Jesus Christ) returning to earth at his SECOND coming.

  • As from NjI've always liked the song since the first time I heard it, even though I never knew many of the lyrics, only picking out a few key words like: Sonny, Came Home, Mission, Fire, List of Names, Vengence, World is Burning Down, etc.
  • sunny came home sunny came home

    Of course, I am biased because of my own experience. She closes her eyes and flies out if her mind to dissociate and escape the horrible memories. Everyone knew (count the years, you always knew it) that someday it would come to this. She is walking on a wire, the tightrope of her sanity. She really was hypnotized and told the abuse never happened. I think the idea of burning down a house is a metaphor for wanting to destroy the legacy of lies that her family has created about her. She finally gets out and decides to avenge what was done to her.

  • Ruffian from UsaI think it is about a woman whose family members abused her so badly that she ended up in an institution, where she suffers more abuse.
  • The song is ultimately a declaration of independence and resilience, of the power of reclaiming one’s power and identity in order to move forward in life. Finally, in the outro Sunny shows that she has the power to stand on her own and be alright. In the bridge, the singer encourages Sunny to get the kids (perhaps her own children, or even her own inner child), bundle up and make the necessary changes to be ready for whatever is to come.

    sunny came home

    The chorus illustrates her situation, stating that days go by, she’s hypnotized (in despair) and that in order to transcend her current state, she has to disconnect from the pain, close her eyes and fly away into the fire where she can be reborn. From the beginning of the song, she returns home to a favorite room and with a box of tools and a book, suggesting that she’s not only ready to repair what was broken but also to do her own inner work to make her whole again. In "Sunny Came Home" by Shawn Colvin, Sunny symbolizes someone who’s been oppressed or put down for so long that she’s finally decided to come home to reclaim her dignity and power.

    Sunny came home